How To Share Screen Between your Android Devices – Guide

Have you ever wanted to show something on your Android smartphone screen to a group of people without having to share data with them? We’re sure you do, because there are times when you want to show slides, websites, or apps in development to other people. There are many reasons why we need to mirror our Android screen phone to another Android smartphone. Maybe to check your friend’s phone, or to watch the same video with your friend in sync, or to sync music to turn up the volume. You can also find hundreds of apps that claim to mirror your smartphone screen to a TV or computer, but is it possible to mirror one smartphone screen to another smartphone? The answer is yes! Although it can be difficult to find a built-in function for it. However, with the help of a third-party app and a few others tricks, it is definitely possible. Here are some simple ways to mirror the screen between two smartphones.

How to share screen between your android devices


ink thread

Screen Share

Final note

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