How to shazam a song on your phone Archives – Guide

You can use a Shazam to play a song on your phone? Yes, you certainly can. Apple makes it simple to use Shazam to identify music when a song is playing in an app on your computer. phone, just like when you listen to music when you’re out and about.

How to Shazam a song playing on your phone

Shazam can identify which song is playing in another app on your phone. To use Shazam to identify a song in your phone, follow the same process as if you were looking for songs that are playing around you in the outside world. Whether you are on an Apple or Android device, open up the app and tap on Shazam Now. Shazam will then tell you what song is playing on your phone. On iPhone, you can also tap the icon in Control Panel and Shazam will start working. Turn on Auto Shazam for Shazam to constantly listen to songs matching the database, whatever app they’re playing. The songs you named will be saved in the library so you can view them later. Please share this article if you like it!

Final note

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