You can then tap on a new “Thumbnail Page” option (between the “Open in Incognito Tab” and “Copy Link Address” options), which will load a pop-up.up.up version of the webpage you are trying to access. The preview shows the favicon, page name, and website domain at the top, as well as buttons to open or close an entire window. It’s a small, easy to ignore feature, but which is especially useful when you want to quickly check a webpage without leaving the current page. You can use it when you want to scan the first few paragraphs of an article or avoid clickbait. Seems to be Android only feature for a while. Remember that on iOS, Safari and Edge browsers will see a webpage when you press a link for a long time. This is also a pattern feature in these browsers and does not require an extra step to select “Preview Page” from a menu. This one feature has been included in other browsers for some time. On iOS, both Safari and Edge already preview a webpage by default when you press a link, and by default it also doesn’t require the extra step of selecting “Thumbnail Page” from a menu.

Steps to Enable Chrome Flag

Final note

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