Every step you (and your smartphone) take is tracked and added to your Google timeline, especially when using Google Maps. It may seem like a trip down memory lane, but it can allow outsiders full access to your confidential information (opens in a new window). With Timeline, Google Maps can display your current location and past locations. There may even be visual evidence as the timeline syncs with all images added to Google Photos. Now you can instantly share your location with anyone on iOS and Android. the post on how to stop location tracking is located here.

Steps to restrict specific apps from accessing your location data on Android

If you wish, you can disable location access for all apps, but this could mean that many of them stop working completely, or in some cases you will see a loss of functionality. Here’s How You Can Restrict Specific Apps From Accessing Your Location On Your Android phone. Step 1: Go to Definitions Step 2: click on the “Apps and notifications” option Step 3: Click “App Permissions” Step 4: Scroll down until you see the “Location” option and click on it

Restrict specific apps from accessing your location data on iOS

The process is similar on iOS > If you want to disable location tracking on your iPhone or just restrict certain apps, go to Settings > Privacy > Location Services where you can choose to disable Location Service completely or choose which apps you want. may have your location.

Final Words

We hope you like our article about how to prevent apps from tracking location. Check out our other privacy-related lessons, such as how to stop location tracking on iPhone, how to delete contact information from Google Search, how to enable Secure Folder on Android and how to to define up a VPN on a router, now that you are aware how to do it on Android. The article is now complete and you know how to stop apps from tracking location on iPhone and Android.

How to Stop Apps from Tracking Location On iPhone and Android - 23How to Stop Apps from Tracking Location On iPhone and Android - 25How to Stop Apps from Tracking Location On iPhone and Android - 25How to Stop Apps from Tracking Location On iPhone and Android - 63