How to Stop Automatic Tabs Opening in Google Chrome – Guide

The product has some use cases that might be interesting to some users. It can be used to keep open tabs clean, automatically close tabs after you log out of services, or ensure browser tabs are closed when you walk away from a computer. Tab Auto Close is a specialized extension. Most internet users will likely have little use for this. However, I can imagine it being useful in some situations. Maybe if you’re searching in Chrome but don’t need the sites you found later (you can bookmark important sites). While we are still waiting to try them out in the final of the day, some tabs feel like something beyond our interest, something we wouldn’t even click on. They opened automatically. But why? And the most important, how to prevent opening unwanted tabs in Chrome? This issue has been reported by many users and may seem strange at first. Do these unwanted tabs open by themselves? Or is the malware pushing annoying ads so aggressively? Whether the tabs contain ads or are blank, there are several solutions that are proven to help Google Chrome users. So, let’s see How to prevent websites from opening new tabs.

Add Tab Wrangler Extension in Your Chrome Browser

Close Chrome Tabs via Tab Wrangler Extension

Avoid duplicate tabs in Tab Corral:

Final note

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