Guide: How to Stream Apple Music Online With­out iTunes

iTunes is a bloated mess. It has so many features over the years it has been attached that it is quite a job to use. And when it comes to streaming Apple Music, of course, the experience isn’t that great. It is labor intensive, charging takes ages up your music library and sometimes it doesn’t even work properly. But thanks to Apple’s release of MusicKit JS, third-party developers now have the ability to create their web apps. Oh boy, and they didn’t exactly do that. Below are three phenomenal Apple Music web players that we are sure would be great to use on a desktop. Note: As for security, your credentials are authorized through Apple, so you should be fine with logging into these web players with your Apple ID. But if you’re concerned, enable two-factor authentication or create an app-specific passcode through the Apple ID management portal.

1. feverTunes

First on the list is feverTunes for good reason. The user interface is big, bold and beautiful, and the flaming dark theme goes really well with the album covers. And the finely positioned tabs and options provide an intuitive experience without any learning curve.

Sign in with your Apple ID and all albums and playlists (from both purchases and your Apple Music subscription) should be easily accessible under Library. Just click on an item and you should be able to start streaming right away. A range of playback options are displayed seamlessly up at the bottom of the screen, which you can use to shuffle tracks, repeat tracks, etc. The Browse and For You tabs work in the same way as iTunes: the former lets you browse the best songs, albums, and playlists, while the latter features recommendations based on your music preferences. There is also a Curators tab where you can find tons of curated playlists of every genre.

The search option present in the web player works quite smoothly for the most part – you can easily switch between searching for artists, albums and songs in your music library or in Apple Music. FeverTunes also lets you add items to your music library which is pretty cool. However, it doesn’t allow you to create custom playlists, so don’t expect to ditch iTunes completely just yet.

fever Tunes features a handy settings panel, where you can switch to a light theme and specify the bit rate you want to stream with – yes, feverTunes lets you stream at the full 256-bit quality. In short, feverTunes has it all, and there is no doubt that you will be using it for the long haul. Visit feverTunes

2. Musish

Musish is another great alternative to iTunes. While it doesn’t feel as intuitive as feverTunes, its color theme is strikingly similar to that of the Apple Music app on iOS and Android, which is a good thing. But what is most striking is the amount of stuff that fits on the screen. That makes Musish great for endlessly browsing Apple Music without the accompanying iTunes lag. The navigation pane on the left side of the web player provides easy access to your music, with your library split into neatly listed sub-sections. The quest feature, present in the top right corner of the screen, scans both your library and Apple Music at the same time, reducing confusion.

The playback controls have been moved to the bottom left corner of the screen, what features various options like the ability to like songs, shuffle playlists, view lyrics, etc. Musish offers a unique advantage over feverTunes: the ability to create playlists. If you rarely want to open iTunes, this web player should suit you just fine. Visit Musish

3. ThinMusic

ThinMusic fits its name perfectly. It’s a minimalist web player without the fancy bells and whistles of fever, music or Musish. A dark gray theme combined with sharp controls means it’s great for streaming songs.

Instead of listing your music library directly, you get three tabs: Browse, Queue and Search. Browse contains your songs and playlists combined with a medley of Apple’s recommendations. Queue, well, lets you queue up songs, and the ability to easily drag and drop songs depending on the order you want to play them in is fantastic. The fact that ThinMusic doesn’t list your entire music library means you’ll have to rely on Search most of the time. But when you consider how quickly the web player generates results for your searches and breaks them down neatly by song, album, and playlist, it doesn’t feel limiting at all. Visit ThinMusic

Time to relax

feverTunes, Musish, and ThinMusic are great web players, both visually and performance-wise, and it’s confusing that Apple doesn’t offer us anything like that. Well, they provide the Apple Music Toolbox to stream music online, but it is not for general use and is quite broken to begin with. So, what is your favorite player from the party? Do you have any other cool Apple Music web players that you want us to know? Submit Comment. The next up: Are you approaching renewing your Apple Music subscription and not sure? Click on the link below to find three great reasons why you should give it another shot.

How to Stream Apple Music Online With­out iTunes: benefits

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[wpsm_accordion] [wpsm_accordion_section title=”Tutorial summary of How to Stream Apple Music Online With­out iTunes”] In this guide, we told you about the How to Stream Apple Music Online With­out iTunes; please read all steps so that you understand How to Stream Apple Music Online With­out iTunes in case if you need any assistance from us, then contact us. [/wpsm_accordion_section] [wpsm_accordion_section title=”How this tutorial helping you?”] So in this guide, we discuss the How to Stream Apple Music Online With­out iTunes, which undoubtedly helps you. [/wpsm_accordion_section] [wpsm_accordion_section title=”What is actual time in which this method complete?”] The time to complete the How to Stream Apple Music Online With­out iTunes tutorial is 10+ minutes. [/wpsm_accordion_section] [wpsm_accordion_section title=”What are the supported Device?”] PC Laptop or Desktop [/wpsm_accordion_section] [/wpsm_accordion] [wpsm_divider top=”2px” bottom=”15px” style=”fadeout”]

Final note

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