How to transfer Columns and Rows in MS Excel – Guide

In general, this functionality is convenient, but there is always a risk that the formatting of formulas in columns might change. Also, this method is very time consuming. An effective and simple alternative is to use drag and drop. The only limitation is that no connected cells can be outside the selected area. Simply put, moving the rows and columns in Excel is just a matter of cutting and pasting or pressing the Ctrl+X and Ctrl+V keyboard shortcuts that you may already be using while working in Excel, MS Word, or other programs. However, you can move columns and rows in other ways. Each row is labeled and identified by a unique numeric value, which you can see on the left. Columns are named and identified by a unique alphabetic header letter located at the top of the worksheet. The rows themselves run horizontally on a worksheet. Data is placed horizontally in the table, from left to right. As you can see in the example below, you can select the entire line with the number 3 by clicking on the number itself. Column titles vary from A-XFD as Excel sheets can have a total of 16,384 columns. Columns run vertically on the worksheet and data goes from top to bottom.

Move Rows in Excel

Here are the steps to do this: If you want to move the entire line, you can select the entire line and follow the same steps. Here are some important things to know about this method:

Move columns in Excel

Here are the steps:

Final note

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