How to Translate Safari Web Pages on Mac – Guide

Have you ever landed on a website in another language and wished you could translate it right away? With the latest versions of Safari for Mac, you can use native translation feature to convert a web page from a foreign language to your native language. This is fantastic for a number of obvious reasons, especially if you want to read international news from an original source rather than a US agency spin cud. Safari’s built-in language translation feature works for modern versions of Safari and macOS, as long as you’re running Safari 14 or later on macOS Big Sur or later, you’re good to go. If you’re using an earlier version of macOS, you might find use in Google Chrome or Microsoft Edge, which also has native language translation capabilities, or you can use an iPhone or iPad if you’re running modern system software with Safari for iOS and iPadOS also the translation function. Once iOS 14 and macOS Big Sur are released this fall, it will be possible to translate an entire page to or from the following languages: English, Spanish, Simplified Chinese, French, German, Russian, or Brazilian Portuguese. The new translation of the website feature will initially be in beta, although operating systems have moved out of beta.

How to translate websites with Safari with macOS Big Sur

Final note

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