How to Trigger Mac Shortcuts from the Menu Bar – Guide

Shortcuts are the fastest way to get a lot done in macOS Monterey, but for now there’s little to say about how to actually run them. Here are all the ways to quickly launch a shortcut. Even if you’ve never used a shortcut on iOS, you’ve heard of it and are probably tired of people saying how awesome they will be on Mac. If you have macOS Monterey, you’ll probably at least try. Here you will create, edit and save shortcuts. You can also get a lot of them as this app can access an online gallery of them with the click of a button. For now, however, it will open with a section called All Shortcuts, and there will be at least a few in a folder called Home Shortcuts. However, this is almost the opposite of what you do with shortcuts in iOS. On Mac, hover and click play to run it, or double-click the center of the icon to edit it. On iOS, when you tap a shortcut, it runs. To edit it, you need to find the little ellipse icon that appears in the top right corner of the icon. You’ll get used to this difference if you log in and out of the Shortcuts app frequently, but you don’t have to.

How to Add a shortcut to your menu bar

As of now, the Shortcuts app on Mac is a bit limited. What we mean by that is that you can’t add a shortcut to your desktop or the Dock. However, one of the fastest ways to use your shortcuts is to pin them to the menu bar.

Here’s what you need to do for that:

How to Open a shortcut with a keyboard shortcut

Another cool way to use your shortcuts is to add a keyboard shortcut. This will allow you to trigger a shortcut with any keyboard combination if it doesn’t already exist. For example, you can’t use Cmd+Q as your Mac already uses this keyboard shortcut to close apps.

If you want to do this, follow these steps:

Final note

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