How To Turn Off Animations in Windows 11 PC – Guide

While animation and fade effects make Windows 11 visually appealing, they can slow down your PC for certain users by introducing a slight delay in some tasks. It’s easy to disable animations for a more responsive experience. In Windows 11, when you launch a window or move the Start menu, you will notice some interesting animations. However, some users may perceive it as a component that consumes a lot of energy and puts a strain on the PC hardware. You can disable all animations in Windows 11 to make it faster and save battery in laptops. By default, Windows 11 uses animation effects for controls and components. In this post, we will go through the process of disabling animation effects in Windows 11 using various techniques. However, some users may see it as a high-performance item that strains their PC hardware. You can completely disable animations in Windows 11 to make it faster and even save power laptops.

Turn animation effects on or off via the Settings app

To turn animation effects on or off through the Settings app in Windows 11, do the following:

Enable or disable animation effects via control panel

To enable or disable animation effects via the control panel in Windows 11/10, do the following:

Final note

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