How to Turn-off Notifications on Windows 10 – Guide

Pop-up Notifications with important messages or alerts can be helpful but also annoying when you’re trying to focus on your work or watching a movie. Over time, many Windows 10 users develop a dislike for the lower right corner of the screen, where something is always flying around. Fortunately, there is a simple solution. Windows 10 users can disable almost all notifications, but we recommend leaving two categories active as they can compromise the safe operation of your computer. If you want to mute your notifications, you can use the following methods.

How to Disable all notifications

If you want to turn off all notifications, no matter where they come from, you can do it with just a few clicks.

How to Disable notifications for specific apps

If you don’t want to turn off all notifications, but you don’t want to see any of certain apps, you can also do that in Settings. So, you can still get important notifications while avoiding the ones that are irrelevant to you.

More options to disable notifications

In the Notifications and Actions settings, there are a few more options that you can enable or disable. They are located just below the Notifications section and have checkboxes. You can choose to show notifications on the lock screen, show reminders or incoming VoIP calls on the lock screen, play notifications with sound, and other options. To disable them, just click on the checkbox. Click again to activate them again. You will also see a link to the Focus Assist settings. Here you can select the times you want to receive notifications. Follow these steps to use the Focus Assist settings.

Final note

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