How to Turn-Off the Touchscreen in Windows 11 – Guide

Do you own a Windows 11 touchscreen device? There’s nothing wrong with a Windows 11 laptop with a touchscreen or any other device. If you are not a fan of touchscreens, but for some reason you have such a device, this article may help you to disable Windows 11 feature on your device. Nothing special button is required to disable or turn off the touchscreen in Windows 11 as the feature is built into the operating system. If you want to disable or stop touchscreen functionality on your computer, you need to disable it in Windows 11 Device Manager. Whether it’s a Microsoft Surface or any other Windows 11 touchscreen computer, this post should work in any case. If you turn off the touchscreen feature, it will not be enabled again unless you enable it in Device Manager. Don’t worry, we will guide you to enable and disable the touchscreen feature on Windows 11. This will help you if you want to enable a touchscreen on your computer in the future. To enable or disable the touchscreen feature on a Windows 11 system, you won’t find a button in your computer. You have to decide if you want to use a keyboard/mouse on your PC. The decision is entirely up for you. If you want to disable the touchscreen feature on your Windows 11 computer, do the following.

How to turn off touchscreen in windows 11

Final note

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