How to Turn on One-Handed Keyboard in iPhone – Guide

Sometimes you don’t want to use both hands to send a message – maybe you’re holding a coffee, a dog leash, or a windy child. Whatever the reason, here it is how to to define up a one-handed keyboard on your iPhone. While it is not uncommon for people to text using both hands, there are a large number of people who are used to texting with just one hand. However, as smartphones get bigger, like B. the iPhone 12 Pro Max, one-handed texting can be a real torture for your hand. Fortunately, you don’t have to choose between a big phone and texting with one hand. Apple implemented an easy-to-use solution – the one-handed keyboard. Here it is how to set it up.

How to Use the One-Handed Keyboard with iPhone

On large screen iPhones*, you can decrease the width of the keyboard to make it easier to use the device with one hand. The one-handed keyboard can be docked on the left or right side of the screen. This section provides step-by-step instructions on how to enable one-handed keyboard in iOS 15, with screenshots to help.

Find general settings

Tap the Settings icon on your Home screen to open the Settings app. Scroll down and tap General.

Open keyboard settings

On the General screen, tap Keyboard.

Open one-handed keyboard settings

On the Keyboards screen, tap One-Handed Keyboard.

Choose which side of the screen you want the one-handed keyboard to be placed on

From the One-Hand Keyboard screen options, select Left or Right.

return to Home screen

When you are satisfied with your settings, you can return to Home screen sliding up at the bottom of the screen or by pressing the button Home button on devices with a physical Home button.

How to enable one-hand keyboard from keyboard itself

You can also change the keyboard layout from the keyboard itself. With the keyboard open, press and hold the emoji button to open the keyboard menu. From the keyboard menu, tap the left or right keyboard icon or choose full-width keyboard to return to the default layout.

Final note

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