How to Turn on Orientation Lock When Opening an App on iPhone – Guide

iPhone orientation lock lacks context awareness. Opening YouTube or Netflix doesn’t turn the lock off, and opening a news-reading app doesn’t turn it on either. Fortunately, there is a shortcut automation to automatically enable Orientation Lock when using certain apps. the automation feature in Shortcuts supports many triggers, from the time of day to when apps open or close. That’s what we’re going to focus on. how to open and close application triggers. By using the Orientation Lock action on a shortcut, you can create multiple automations as needed. For example, you can disable orientation lock when opening Netflix or YouTube. Then you can create a new one to activate it again when you close the Netflix or YouTube app. Find and add the app you want to create the automation for. You can also select multiple apps here. Tap Done to save your selection. Unfortunately, using the new orientation lock feature it’s not as easy as toggling the toggles for each app in Settings, but it can be set through the Shortcuts app. So instead of having to swipe and tap every time you need to toggle the rotation lock, automation does all the dirty work for you.

Select a trigger for your automation

Choose all the apps you want

Make it work when apps open or close

Add orientation lock action

Choose how you want to configure it

Now, there are two routes you can take here. The first way is to keep it set to “Toggle” the Portrait Orientation Lock. This means that it will fire the action whenever I open the chosen app, Twitter, and fire again when I exit the chosen app. This is the easiest way to configure it. up. However, you can also create two separation automations, one that enables or disables the Portrait Orientation Lock when opening the selected app, and one that enables or disables the Portrait Orientation Lock when closing the selected app. This might be more useful to you if you use the application switcher a lot; if you have more than one app selected using the “Switch” route, switch from one of the selected apps to another using the app switcher, things get very confusing quickly.

Final note

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