How to turn on Sleep­ing Tabs on Chrome – Guide

The inactive tabs option in Google Chrome allows the Chrome browser to remove unwanted tabs from memory. Google Chrome is known to be a resource-intensive browser. It uses a lot of memory and also consumes a lot of battery. If you have a lot of tabs in your Google Chrome browser and your device has a low specification, especially low RAM, your PC will be slow. You might see a white screen in your Chrome browser when opening multiple tabs and windows. It’s very similar to sleep apps. feature on your Android device. Google Chrome’s Sleeping Tab option prevents the Chrome browser from consuming too much memory when you open multiple tabs. This option is simple and disables unwanted tabs or tabs that you haven’t used for a long time, releasing up the device for other important tasks. But of course, you can reactivate this tab whenever you need to, just by clicking on it.

Steps are provided below to activate the chrome sleeping guides

Final note

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