How to Unarchive Emails in Gmail – Guide

If your Gmail inbox is full of emails, you can delete the oldest ones, but you won’t be able to view them when you need to. Archiving old emails can be the best solution because you can unarchive them later when you need them. You can delete emails that you are sure you won’t need in the future and archive those you need for some reason. Emails with codes, passwords, confidential information, etc. can be stored in your archive with just a few clicks. All archived emails will be moved to another folder where you can retrieve them whenever you want. Any emails you archive will disappear from your Inbox folder, making room for future emails. They will be moved to another folder in your Gmail account called “All Emails”. You can find all emails (archived and unarchived) by typing the sender’s name or part of the email’s title into Gmail’s search bar. Archived emails will return to the Inbox folder if they receive a reply at any time. That’s all you need to know about archived emails, so now let’s get to the actual process. Filed an email, want to know where it went and want it back in your inbox? Here it is how to unarchive emails from Gmail and restore them to Inbox or another label and folder.

How to Unarchive emails in Gmail

How to unarchive Gmail messages on a computer

How to unarchive Gmail messages in a mobile device

Final note

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