How to Undo and Redo on Mac – Guide

This includes any undo you accidentally did – Redo button can save as much time and effort as Undo button! But how to undo and redo on Mac? We’re here to share with you all the keyboard shortcuts and menu options you need to perform these actions, so you can fix any mistakes made on your Mac as soon as they happen. Undo and redo are not only available through keyboard shortcuts. You can also access and activate them from the app’s menus. About 99% of the time, you can find undo and redo actions in the Edit menu of a Mac app. Just click Edit and select Undo or Redo to perform the action. Undo is often listed right above Redo, so you won’t have to go far to find one or the other. In certain applications, the Undo and Redo menu items can tell you which action you are undoing or redoing when you select it. This can be by undoing the entry or redoing moving a file or object. Apps like Word also have Undo and Redo buttons in the main application windows, as well as in the Edit menu. Those buttons often look like curved arrows, with the “undo” button pointing to the left and the “redo” button pointing right. Sometimes something happens that cannot be fixed by pressing the undo button button or key press.

How to Undo on a Mac Using the Menu Bar

Most Mac apps use a standardized placement for the undo command in the menu bar, so it’s usually easy to find. If you take a look at the menu bar you will see words like File and Edit. Clicking on any of them words will cause a drop-down menu to appear with more options. The undo option is usually located in the Edit menu, but may be located elsewhere in some applications.

Here it is how to undo on a Mac using the menu bar:

How do you undo on a Mac using the keyboard?

Most Mac apps have an undo option located somewhere in the menu bar, but this is not always the case. If you need to undo a mistake and you can’t find the undo option, you can usually use the undo keyboard shortcut to get the job done.

Here it is how to use the undo keyboard shortcut on a Mac:

Make sure the app you made a mistake in is the active app by maximizing the window or clicking somewhere in the app.

How do you remake on a Mac?

Undo is really useful if you accidentally delete something you don’t want to delete or make any other mistake. Often, you can even undo several steps, allowing you to reverse a mistake even if you kept working after you made the mistake the first time. If you accidentally undo too much, you can use the redo command to fix this issue as well.

Final note

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