How to update an iPhone – Guide

“If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it” might sound like great advice, but when it comes to technology, there’s always something to fix, even if users don’t realize it. Every iPhone iOS software update aims to make devices more secure while fixing minor bugs. Keeping your device up to date may seem like a lot of work, but it’s worth it after considering security updates and new ones features major updates. If you’ve just switched from Android or never considered upgrading your phone rather, continuing with the process can be a little confusing at first. Before following any of the steps below, make sure your iPhone is on Wi-Fi, as downloading updates via cellular data will not be ideal. Updates can be large in size, and if you have a limited data plan, an update will consume everything. up.

See How to update an iPhone.

Users who want to avoid the hassle of updating their phone manually whenever there is an update can also turn on automatic update feature. Since your phone starts installing an update, it restarts automatically, and it may take a few minutes for you to see the lock screen again.

Final note

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