How To Upload Files To iCloud From a PC – Guide

iCloud is known to everyone; With Apple’s cloud storage platform, you can sync your email, contacts, photos, calendar and more. You can access iCloud from your iPhone, Mac, iPad and even a PC. You can upload files to your iCloud Drive account on your Windows or Mac desktop PC browser, no need for iCloud iOS or Mac. Well, here we are going to talk about which serves as the web interface for the platform in cloud where you can perform all the above operations. Also, it makes it easy to access the cloud drive to check whether your files are synced or not. You can also search for your iPhone in case it is lost using Find iPhone. You can manage all your photos, videos, files and other data from any Apple device. Here in this article, we are going to tell you how to manage and upload files in iCloud from PC. Using drag and drop, the drag and drop option requires you to select the file you want to upload. Hold down the mouse and drag the item to the iCloud drive. release the mouse button to drop the file. The structure of iCloud Drive is quite simple and very easy to understand. They basically look at 4 main symbols that do their job perfectly.

How to Upload Files to iCloud from PC

One of the most common use cases for the iCloud web interface is dragging images, videos and other files from your iPhone to your PC or vice versa. This can be done with the iCloud Drive, Photos, Numbers, and Pages apps, and the process is the same for all of them. In this example, we will use the Numbers app to show how to upload a file to iCloud from a PC. In Pages, hovering over an item will reveal the ellipsis (…) button, which you can click to show options for downloading, duplicating, deleting, renaming, and sending a copy. These options are different between the other applications, but the general procedure is to hover over the item and click with the left or right mouse button.

Final note

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