How to use an SD card for app storage on Chromebooks – Guide

Chromebooks are fantastic little devices and their popularity soared during the pandemic. However, they are notorious for being light on storage space. Fortunately, many Chromebooks have the option to add additional storage via a USB drive or SD card slot. This is useful when you have downloaded or created files and need a place to keep them. But what about when an app needs more storage space? A good example of this would be the Netflix app, which can download videos to watch when you’re offline. In that case, you will need to enable saving files on SD card. That’s not a big hassle actually, but we’ll walk you through the process and show you how to Knife.

How to get Chromebook apps for Android to view your SD card

To get started, you will first need to open your Chromebook settings, click on “Device”, select “Storage Management”, then “External Storage Preferences” and finally identify and enable your SD card as shown below . to speed things up up, you can also simply search for “External Storage Preferences” in the Chrome OS settings or launcher and enter the menu right away. After enabling external storage, you need to reset the device before continuing.

How to to define up Android apps to use your SD card for downloads

After restarting, open Chrome OS settings again, navigate to the Google Play Store option and select “Manage Android preferences”. If you don’t want to go through all the configuration options, just type “Android preferences” in the search bar or in the Chrome OS launcher to go straight to the required entry. A new Android preferences window should open. In Android preferences, select the entry “Applications and notifications” and you will find a list of your installed Android apps. Scroll down to find the app you want to use with SD storage and tap it. to speed things up up, you can alternatively search the Android settings for the respective app, as shown a little further below for Plex. If you want to enable SD card support for multiple applications, you will need to do this one at a time by repeating the steps below. Tap the desired app to enter the “App information” screen, select the “Permission” entry and enable “Storage” if it is not already. Then you need to open the app in question and proceed through your settings. In case of the Plex app, you will need to update the “sync” option to move the data to expanded storage. For Netflix, you will change the “Download Location” from internal to external storage. You may have to restart the app or even your device before the new download location appears up. Configuring SD storage settings for Plex (top) Netflix (bottom). Finally, to force these changes into effect, completely close all tuned applications and restart them again. Your apps like Netflix and Plex will now be able to use your external SD card to store downloads. From the news

Final note

I hope you like the guide How to use an SD card for app storage on Chromebooks. In case if you have any query regards this article you may ask us. Also, please share your love by sharing this article with your friends.

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