How to Use Cell Styles in Excel – Guide

If you don’t work with styles, you might be wondering what’s so special about it. The simple answer is that they help you work more efficiently. A style is a collection of formats that you can apply all at once. For example, you might want all input cells to have a green background with white text. When using a style, you can apply both formats at the same time. Now that doesn’t seem like a big deal, but there’s more. If you decide to change the format of the input cells, you do not need to change all these cells one by one. You just change the style and all input cells are automatically updated now which works efficiently. Styles are a Microsoft Word feature, right? You might be surprised to learn that Microsoft Excel also uses styles, although the nature of the data doesn’t demand the same robust options. Excel styles are easier to use than Word styles. If you’re not using them because you think they’re complicated, you might want to reconsider. In this article, I will introduce you to Excel styles and show you how to use them to use Excel more efficiently.

How to use cell style feature in Excel

To use Cell Styles feature in Microsoft Excel, follow the methods below.

Apply a style to a selected cell

Create a cell style based on a formatted cell

Create cell style from scratch

Final note

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