How to Use Chromebook to Send Text Messages – Guide

Wouldn’t it be great if you could send text messages directly from your Chromebook, eliminating the need to stop what you’re doing to get yours? phone to respond? This means you won’t have to interrupt your Twitch stream to notify your friend that you’re free for Taco Tuesday. Or having to pull Maraudon at the beginning of World of Warcraft because your OS asks if more milk is needed. Alternatively, you can interrupt your homework to respond to an invitation to dinner tomorrow. we will pass how to to define up your Chromebook to send/receive SMS texts from your phone in this video so you can make it come true. Let’s start with some quick and fire drawing text messages up those fingers!

Is it possible to send a text message from my Chromebook?

You certainly can! All you need is the equipment you need to get started. It all boils down to three main elements: We will analyze some alternative solutions so that, when final of this guideyou will be sending text messages.

Enabling Messages in Chrome OS

To send text messages on your Chromebook and do more, you need to have your phone connected to your Chrome OS first. See this article to find out how to do this if you haven’t already. After having your phone connected and ready, it’s time to activate the Messages app on your Chromebook. The following steps will take you from here. The entire process of activating the Messages app on your Chromebook was as easy as that. Being your default messaging app, you can now easily use Chrome OS to send messages to your contacts. combine this feature like Phone Hub, and you have a complete Chromebook that can do everything your portable smartphone can.

Final note

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