How to Use Color Filters on Windows 11 – Guide

Windows 11 has a built-in feature which lets you change the color filter on the windows screen so you can see everything clearly. Sometimes you may not be able to see things clearly on the screen despite adjusting the brightness or turning on the night light. In such cases, you can use the color filter feature in Windows 11 and make some changes so you can distinguish colors more easily. When you make changes to color filters, the color palettes on the Windows screen change, adjusting the contrast so you can see things clearly. While Windows 11 offers a number of new features and settings, some settings are hidden in preferences. For that, you may need some guidance and this post will help you to do just that. Below you will learn how to change color filters in windows 11 to see clearly. When you enable or make changes to the color filter feature in Windows 11, you can adjust the contrast and color distinction from screen properties. For example, you can adjust the color palette to distinguish between the colors of text, images, and even different objects. That way you can see all these things better. Let’s see How to use color filters in Windows 11:

How to use color filters in Windows 11

Final note

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