How to use custom email domains with iCloud Mail – Guide

Apple is now testing an iCloud Mail feature that users have been asking for for years: custom email domains. What this means? Most people use free email services like iCloud Mail and Gmail, where all email addresses use a pre-specified domain. For example, if you use iCloud Mail, your address would be something like (or or even if you’re old-fashioned). Likewise, if you use a free Gmail account, your address is similar to

How to add a custom email domain for iCloud Mail

Per up a custom email domain in iCloud Mail, you must first ensure that you are an iCloud+ subscriber. If you pay for iCloud storage or subscribe to the Apple One package, that’s it. You also need to have Apple ID two-factor authentication enabled and a primary iCloud email address set up. Also, the domain name you want to use must be owned by you. If you check the boxes above, you can follow these instructions to add a custom email domain to iCloud Mail. If you want to share custom domain name with your family members, you must have Family Sharing set up. In addition, each member of your family who wants to use the custom domain must also have two-factor authentication enabled as well as have a primary iCloud email address set. up.

How to stop using a custom email domain for iCloud Mail

How to add a custom email domain to iCloud Mail on iOS

Although the iCloud Mail custom domain feature is available on the website, the feature has not yet been officially released for iPhone and iPad users. That said, iOS 15.4 beta includes the ability to set up a custom email domain for iCloud, so we’ve included the steps below.

Final note

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