How to Use Facetime App On Android Phone – Guide

Android phone users will find many apps. They can choose to connect with family and friends, whether they have video calling, built-in or third-party apps. But when you have to interact with people who use Apple devices, there’s a difficulty. This is because most Apple device users generally prefer to use the FaceTime app. It is already installed on the device. To alleviate the problem, Apple has released a new update that allows users of both systems to communicate easily through the FaceTime app.

Use a Face time app on Android phones

Apple has released this update with the iOS 15 operating system version. It allows Windows and Android users to join the call through a web browser. But, with limitations, the Apple device user must initiate the video call and send you the membership link. After receiving the connection link, you must follow the steps below to join the call: During a call, you have access to screen controls that include turning off the phone or computer microphone, turning the camera on and off or using full screen mode. In addition to the ability to switch from the rear camera forward camera. Enable the grid system to see all participants at once.

Final note

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