How to use Focus Mode on iphone – Guide

Focus mode will be one of your most used new iOS 15 features if you’re easily distracted by a continuous stream of notifications on your iPhone or have trouble digging through your alerts to discover the most important ones. Now you can quickly create filters for your iOS 15 notifications to see only what you want at certain time periods, whether you need to block Instagram notifications while you’re on the clock or stop responding to Slack messages on your days off. You can change the preset “Focuses”, which include Do Not Disturb, Sleep, Personal and Work, or create a completely new Focus through your Control Center. Settings up Focus mode can be difficult for you, and there are many hidden options, but I will guide you how to get the most out of this new feature.


The easiest way to access Focus Mode if you’re making a quick adjustment or turning on a Focus is through your Control Center – there’s a new one button in this drop-down menu. But to initially set up your Focuses and see all available options (I’ll talk about them later), let’s access Focus Mode through our settings.

Activate Focus Status (if you are that type of person)

If you want to limit who can contact you, but don’t want to fill in ghost friends that didn’t cut, you can always switch to Focus Status in any Focus settings. This will allow any iOS users you have Focus Mode enabled and notifications muted (although they won’t see which specific Focus you’ve enabled). If you’re the kind of shameless person who has read receipts enabled and wants to keep your contacts informed, this is a great one. feature. Unfortunately, sharing your Focus Status also allows contacts to break the filter you’ve built. If someone tries to send you a message, iOS will say you have Focus Mode turned on, but give you the option to “notify anyway” and send a notification on your phone, defeating the purpose of Focus Mode completely. I suppose this is useful if someone needs immediate help or there is an emergency situation when Focus Mode is on, but it also opens the door for anyone in the sun to send a message, even if you’re telling the world that are you busy.


You can set the focus mode to turn on on certain days, at certain times, at specific locations or when you interact with other apps. If the obstacle for you to check this feature it’s just remembering to turn it on, that’s a great way to set it up and forget about it. You can have a Focus for reading automatically activate when you open up an eBook app or set a Work Focus that activates when you arrive at the office. Of course, you should take the time to carefully test your automations before allowing your notifications to run.

screen customization

There are some custom screen settings you can play around with to improve the focus mode a bit. In any Focus settings, you can tap “Home Screen” to hide badge notifications. This prevents you from seeing that little red Twitter notification while using your phone to something else and let it launch you into a spiral of distraction. You can also choose one home page to show during a specific Focus. This option only works if you have actually organized home screens – but if that’s the case, you can have your home default screen for a page with all your work-related apps during a work focus. You can also make some changes to “Lock screen” which has options to dim the lock screen at all times to make even notifications you want to come a little quieter and to show silenced notifications if you don’t want alerts , but you want to be able to pick up notifications whenever you want.

do some tests

Focus Mode is a fantastic tool for managing notifications, but it’s not entirely perfect and requires some tweaking. I found some scenarios where I forgot to “allow” a specific person or app but would like to see a notification arrive. I just wasn’t aware of every app on my phone. One weekend I was testing a Personal Focus – I had text notifications enabled for my partner, but phone the calls were hung up and I didn’t have Focus Status enabled so she didn’t know I was using feature (so she didn’t follow-up your call with a text message or call again to trigger the double call rule). Enjoy even more: I missed the opportunity to deliver myself a delicious breakfast sandwich. There was also an instance where I wanted to just silence Microsoft Teams. I take weird days on a mostly freelance team, so notifications are always going off and this can be a distraction when I’m trying to take a day off. There is no way in Focus Mode to silence specific apps – you can only choose which apps to allow notifications. To build a personal Focus, I really just wanted to silence the teams, but I would have to go through and “allow” everything else for it to work. Of course, there are other ways to solve this problem by changing other notification settings, but it would be nice if the Focus Mode had more flexible settings that allow for a block-centric Focus. After fiddling with the settings for a few weeks, I found Focus Mode really pays off. Even though I already have notifications turned off in most apps, I didn’t really realize how disturbing the ones I let through can be until I could turn them off completely with a single tap.

Final note

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