Guide: How to Use Google Class­room: Guide

Did your teacher recently send you an invitation to join a class on Google Classroom? Chances are you’ve never heard of software. With most schools and colleges closed, educators are using this Google offering to create virtual lessons and share assignments. Meanwhile, students can submit their work directly there, view their assignment grades, view class comments, and even engage in healthy discussions with other students or teachers using Google Classroom. Now is the ideal time to familiarize yourself with Google’s offerings. The best part is that you can use it on the web as well as the web mobile platforms. Teachers can use our guide on the Google Classroom tips and tricks for teachers. In this post, we name ten best Google Classroom tips and tricks for students. We recommend that you integrate them into your routine and work efficiently when submitting assignments.

1. Customize your Google Drive folder

If you are dealing with 5 to 6 lessons at a time in Google Classroom, it is always advisable to adjust them in Google Drive so that you don’t stop up mixing the assignments. As you may know, your teacher organizes all required documents and resources in a specific Google Drive folder.

You can go to a Class> Schoolwork> Google Drive and open the folder in the new tab. Right click on it and rename or change the folder color. That’s one of the smart ways to organize your folders and keep your schoolwork separate from personal projects.

2. Add a class comment to an assignment

Google Classroom allows you to comment on an assignment in class. You may not want to participate in the general discussion other than the one about the assigned task.

So go to Class> Classwork> select an assignment> View assignment and add a comment. That comment is visible to the entire class.

3. Use Google Apps to submit work

As mentioned earlier, Google Classroom also integrates other Google apps and services. You can use YouTube video, Google Docs file, Google Sheets file or even Google Drawing file to submit your assignments.

Open the class> Classroom> Open an assignment and tap add or create under Your work menu. It will open a sliding menu with the option to add files from various sources – Google Drive, direct link, attach a file and you can even create new documents.

4. Unsubmit work

This is useful in certain situations. Suppose you accidentally submitted a wrong file for an assignment. That can happen because you may be dealing with dozens of files in the classes and personal work. Click on the submitted assignment and Undo the submission button appears to undo the submission. You know what to do next.

5. View your work

As a student, you may want to check your work and deadlines regularly. Sometimes it can be confusing to keep track of submissions. And you could end up missing the deadline for the project.

You can open a class> Schoolwork> View your work and view all assigned work with title, due date, attached file and more. You can also use the filter menu on the side to streamline the list.

6. Use private comments

If you have specific doubts or questions, you may not want to participate in the general discussion as it is visible to everyone in the class. Google Classroom offers a private commenting feature to talk directly to teachers. That discussion remains private and is not visible to the rest of the class.

Open a class, go to Schoolwork> view assignment, and you will see the Private Responses section on the right. Use it to discuss things about the project privately with teachers. If you are using Class comments in an assignment (check # 2 trick above), it will be visible to the whole class.

7. Customize class notifications

Dealing with multiple classes at once can confuse you with all incoming notifications. Fortunately, with Google Classroom you can adjust them. In the Google Classroom app, tap the hamburger menu and go to Settings. You will see the notification toggles for all comments and classes you are enrolled in. Customize them based on your needs.

To manage notifications by class, tap Class Notification and here you can see all your enrolled classes. Disable the unnecessary.

8. Turn off email notifications

In addition to push notifications, Google Classroom also sends email notifications about the latest updates in the class. For a busy classroom, practice can fill up quickly up the inbox space in Gmail. Consider disabling the option from the settings.

Tap the hamburger menu, go to Settings and turn off email notifications.

9. View grade, private comments submitted by teachers

We bet you know by now that your teachers can also use the private comments feature in Google Classroom. You can view them and view the grades for work submitted by going to Schoolwork> View your work. Use the filter menu and select the option ‘Returned with grade’ and you will be able to see both grades and private comments from the teacher for the submission.

10. Write out the class

Are you done with class? Is the semester or project over? A student can unsubscribe from a class in Google Classroom. From the home page, tap the three-dot menu and select Unsubscribe class.

Use Google Classroom like a boss

Google Classroom is a joy to use with the useful tips and tricks which we shared above. Use them, impress your friends and teachers. Has your school started using Google Classroom? How is your experience so far? Share your experience with us and our readers in the comments below. The next up: Do you often use Google Docs? Read the post below to boost your productivity by mastering Google Docs with the built-in templates.

How to Use Google Class­room: Guide: benefits


Final note

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