How to use Google Maps with Dark Mode Enables – Guide

One of the main advantages of using Dark Mode on the smartphone is being able to rest your eyes a lot with the reduction of the screen brightness, not to mention the extension of the device’s battery. Since the release of iOS 13 and Android 11, this feature it is now native to the respective operating systems. However, Google Maps was slow to support Dark Mode in both mobile operational systems. In February of this year, Google made Dark Mode available for Google Maps on Android, which allowed you to use the navigation app in a dark color scheme. However, it wasn’t until early August that we saw this feature announced for Google Maps on iOS. let us show you how to use this feature On your mobile device and have a better night experience with the world’s most popular location app. Dark mode is one of the most popular trends of the last decade. Almost all major apps and devices now have a dark mode or theme, which is great for users who prefer darker colors or just want to save battery power. Google Maps Dark Mode is available on iPhone and Android devices, and it takes a few taps to turn it on. Here it is how to Knife.

How to turn on dark mode on Google Maps

Observation: To use dark mode on any device, you will need to run at least iOS 13 or Android 10 / Q or later. If you don’t see these menus and options, try closing the app and turning on system-wide phonemode and try again. You might also see a menu pop up when you open the app asking what color scheme you want. Feel free to select dark mode in this menu to quickly activate it. From the news

Final note

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