Guide: How to Use Google Two-Step Authentication without Phone

For a few years now, there have been more and more cases of highjacking in the profile. Using just the traditional password to lock your Google account is like shining a beacon to potential data and identity theft. Recently several YouTube accounts have been compromised. The hackers managed to steal their data because the owners used traditional passwords instead of the standard two-factor authentication. That’s why we recommend that everyone use two-factor authentication (2FA) for Google accounts. For the uninitiated, this is a simple step introducing a second level of security. It can be in the form of SMS verification or a call verification. So if someone tries to access your account, it will be final the key to your account management remains in your hands, not theirs. When it comes to Google’s two-factor authentication, it offers two basic ways: a prompt on your secondary device and via SMS. To log in to your account, enter the password and wait for the prompt. Tap it and voila! However, it may not work as you expect it every time. For example, if you don’t have access to the SMS or calls, you may not be able to log into your account. Or worse, if your primary device is stolen. In such circumstances, Google’s backup codes can act as the real backupup to save the day.

What are Google 2FA Backup Codes

Google 2FA backup codes are a series of numbers used to verify your account when you cannot access your verification codes. Google generates a total of 10 codes at once and wants you to store them in a secure location that you can visit as you see fit.

You can also generate a second batch of numbers if you think there is something strange about the first batch.

How to Set up Google 2FA backup codes

Step 1: Sign in with your primary Google account and go to Google 2-Step Verification. Go to Google 2-step verification

Once inside, tap Get started buttonIf you’ve already set up 2FA, you’ll see the date at the top. Apart from that, you will also see the other 2FA methods that already exist for your account. In my case, I had previously enabled Google Prompt and SMS verification.

Step 3: Then scroll down until you see the option for backup codes. Tap Set up, and you will be welcomed with some random numbers.

Step 4: Now all you have to do is tap Download button, and said songs will be downloaded in a text file to the Downloads folder of your PC.

To generate a new batch of numbers, tap Get New Codes button and a new set of numbers will greet you. Pro Tip: Backup codes are always downloaded with a file name such as Backup codes-[username].text. To be on the safe side, it is a good idea to rename the file. For the paranoid out there, you can always zip the file with the 256-bit encryption.

How to Use Google 2FA without it Phone

Step 1: Next time you find yourself in a situation where you can’t use the default Google prompt or the SMS verification method, don’t panic. Just log in to your account and click Try another way button

Step 2: You will see all activated methods on the login page. As you may have guessed, you need to click on the 8 digit backup codes option.

Enter one of the codes from the list you downloaded earlier, and that’s it. If the code is correct, you can quickly log in to the account.

Once a code has been used, Google 2FA will strike the code. However, these codes are your passwords and you should make sure to save these codes as you would protect your passwords.

How to Back upup from Google 2FA codes

1. Google Keep

If your phone lets you lock your apps with a fingerprint, you can keep all codes locked in a keep file. And to take it up a notch, assign a checkbox to each item so you can easily tick off the codes used.

Again, you should only use this if the app in question can be locked (and only opened by you).

2. Password manager: DashLane

Password managers such as Dashlane come with a secure vault where you can store keys, passwords and codes securely. Going by the name of Secure Notes, this feature stores these keys and codes while it stores your passwords.

To access Secure Notes, open the web app, open the left menu and tap the Secure Notes option. That’s all. At the same time, make sure to monitor the password manager with a strong password.

3. Write them down

I know, you shouldn’t write down passwords. But sometimes electronics can fail and you may not be able to access your password manager or your to-do app. And that’s when a physical copy comes to your rescue. Make sure to store it in a suitable location.

Data is the new currency

Lately the phrase has become popular – data is the new currency. That’s why it’s paramount that you protect it with a second layer of security, which means two-factor authentication. At the same time, you also have to make sure that you are not in the dark when the 2FA fails. That’s when backup codes come to your rescue. The next up Looking to bump up your account security? Read the following post to discover some of the best 2FA apps.

How to Use Google Two-Step Authentication without Phone: benefits

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[wpsm_accordion] [wpsm_accordion_section title=”Tutorial summary of How to Use Google Two-Step Authentication without Phone”] In this guide, we told you about the How to Use Google Two-Step Authentication without Phone; please read all steps so that you understand How to Use Google Two-Step Authentication without Phone in case if you need any assistance from us, then contact us. [/wpsm_accordion_section] [wpsm_accordion_section title=”How this tutorial helping you?”] So in this guide, we discuss the How to Use Google Two-Step Authentication without Phone, which undoubtedly helps you. [/wpsm_accordion_section] [wpsm_accordion_section title=”What is actual time in which this method complete?”] The time to complete the How to Use Google Two-Step Authentication without Phone tutorial is 10+ minutes. [/wpsm_accordion_section] [wpsm_accordion_section title=”What are the supported Device?”] PC Laptop or Desktop [/wpsm_accordion_section] [/wpsm_accordion] [wpsm_divider top=”2px” bottom=”15px” style=”fadeout”]

Final note

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