How to use Incognito mode on the Google Maps – Guide

Google Maps Incognito Mode is a newly announced feature for android app. This allows you to hide some of your Google Maps activity from the search engine giant, which can be useful in certain situations. The fact that Google stores your location data in Maps can be quite useful at times. The company’s apps use this to deliver personalized search results and ads. However, there may be times when you don’t want this information saved. For example, you might need to browse an embarrassing (for you) place. And you don’t want ads for that location or business to appear up in the app. Or maybe more than one person has access to your Google Account. Maybe you don’t want them to know where you are. Whatever the reason, Google offers an easy way to ensure that what’s private is truly private (at least in the Maps app). After enabling the setting, no browsing or search history will be saved in the app. And the places you visit will not be saved in Google Maps history. And the ads won’t be personalized based on your browsing history.

How to go incognito on google maps

Incognito mode works exactly the same on iPhone and Android.

Final note

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