In Windows 10, the Alarms & Clock app allowed users to use an alarm clock widget, set timers, use the desktop stopwatch, and use various clock apps to tell time. Windows 11 adds another useful feature feature that allows us to focus on a specific moment when we can get the most out of our work. By default, the timer is set for a 30-minute work session, which is plenty of time for you to fully concentrate on your work. It appears to be based on the Pomodoro technique, and users can also set up 5-minute intervals that allow them to check their emails without losing focus. Below we mention the steps to use built-in Pomodoro Timer in window 11🇧🇷

Steps to Use Built-in Pomodoro Timer in Window 11

Set a Pomodoro in Windows 11

To start your Pomodoro sessions, open the Windows 11 Start menu and look for “Clock” among the pinned items. You may need to scroll down if you have a lot of them. Alternatively, you can type “clock” into the search bar and open the app when it appears in the results.

Use Focus Sessions in Windows 11 Clock App

Final Words

That’s it with our article on how to Use the Pomodoro timer built in Window 11. It is the Pomodoro timer built in Windows 11. The Pomodoro technique is a time management technique that allocates 25 minutes for intense concentration and five minutes for breaks. Longer breaks are taken after four consecutive work cycles. The Italian term for tomato, pomodoro, refers to each work break. That’s why it’s also called a tomato timer.

How to Use Integrated Pomodoro Timer on window 11 - 36How to Use Integrated Pomodoro Timer on window 11 - 98How to Use Integrated Pomodoro Timer on window 11 - 44How to Use Integrated Pomodoro Timer on window 11 - 50