Guide: How to use Labels in Google Keep

Google Keep is one of the simplest yet powerful note taking apps out there. I use it for a variety of reasons, mainly to take little notes. Google Keep is so fast that you can use it like a clipboard to transfer text between multiple devices. The only problem I have with it is that it does not provide folders to organize notes as present in some note taking apps. To compensate for that, Keep offers labels. What are labels and how to use them in Keep? Find the answer in this post. I organize my notes in different folders and subfolders. And the same is missing in Keep. Among other things, Google Keep has labels for organizing notes. Labels are easy to use and help organize notes without folders. Let’s dive into the world of labels in Keep and see how to use labels in Google Keep.

What are labels in Google Keep

Do you remember that particular notebook at school with different sections for each subject? Each section had a label to categorize and identify the notes in it, such as math, science, English, etc. A similar concept is available in Google Keep in the form of labels. You can organize your notes by subject, subject, priority, relevance, etc. using labels. For example, you can have labels for personal and work notes, shopping lists, students, and more.

The labels are accessible from the left panel on the desktop and in the side drawer in the mobile apps or from the notes. Clicking on a label filters your notes and displays only those notes with that specific label.

How many labels can you add in Keep

You can create up up to 50 labels in Keep. Each note can have multiple labels. The labels added to the note appear at the bottom of a note.

How to Create a label and add it to notes

Let’s look separately for desktop and Keep mobile apps.

Create and add Keep labels on the desktop

There are three ways to create a label. Follow the last 2 methods to add a label.

Method 1: Before making a note, create a label

Open the Keep website and click on the Edit labels option in the left pane.

A bang-up window will open. Type the name of your label in the Create New Label section and click the check mark next to it.

Method 2: Create and add label while making note using hashtag

If you are creating a new note or editing an existing note, you can also create a label at that time. To do this, type the symbol hashtag # followed by your label on a desktop in the note. Make sure there is no space between the symbol and your label. For example #work, # cars, etc. Once you start typing after the # symbol, you will see any existing labels. Click on an existing label to add it to your note.

Continue typing the label name to create a new one. Click the Create Label Name option that appears.

When a label has been created or added successfully, it will appear as a link in your note. Clicking on it will display other notes of the same label.

Method 3: Create or add label while taking note with menu

In the Keep note, click the note’s three-dot icon. You will see the Add label option.

Enter your label in the available box. To add an existing label, check the box next to it.

How to Create and add labels on Android and iOS

There are two methods. Let’s take a look.

Method 1: Before making a note, create a label

On the mobile apps, tap the three-bar icon in the top left corner of the Keep app. At the top, choose Create New Label or Edit.

Enter your label name in the Create New Label box and tap the check mark to save it.

Method 2: Create or add a label to a note

Open the note in Keep and tap the three-dot icon at the bottom. Choose Labels. Enter the label name in the Enter label name text box and tap Create to create a new one. Select the box next to the existing label to add an old label.

How to Change or remove labels from a note

Here are the steps for desktop and mobile apps.

Change or remove label on the desktop

This can be achieved in two ways. In the first method, open the note and move your mouse over the label in a note. You will see the cross icon. Click on it to remove the label from the note. Add a new label as shown in the section above.

Another way to remove labels is to click the note’s three-dot icon. Choose Edit Labels from the menu.

Clear the check box next to the label you want to remove from the note. Select the boxes next to the labels you want in your note.

Change or delete label Mobile Apps

Open the note and tap the label at the bottom that you want to delete or change. On the next screen, uncheck the box next to the labels you want to remove. Select to add new labels.

You can also tap the three-dot icon at the bottom and choose Labels. Uncheck to delete or select to add new labels.

Who can see your labels

Only you can see your labels. So if you share your notes with others, they won’t be able to access it. Tip Find out how to move Notes to your other account.

How to Rename or delete a label

On the desktop, click the Edit Labels option in the left pane of Keep. In the pop-up that shows up, click the pencil icon next to the label you want to rename. Save the label using the check mark. Hover your mouse over the label and the left icon will change to a delete icon. Click on it to remove the label.

On mobile, open the sidebar in Keep by tapping the three-bar icon at the top. Tap Edit next to Labels. Tap the edit icon next to the label. Rename it and click the check mark. Tap the delete icon to delete the label. Note: Deleting a label does not delete the notes in it.

How to Reorder labels

Keep organizes your labels in alphabetical order. It does not provide any other way to sort them. But you can add numbers before your labels if you want to arrange them according to your preference.

How to Create sub-labels

Some of the Google Keep alternatives also allow you to create subfolders. You can get somewhat similar functionality by using labels in Keep. To do this, you need to create labels in the following format:

Main subject Main topic / Sub topic 1 Main topic / Sub topic 2

For example, I have the main label for Guiding Tech or GT. The sub-labels have the format GT / Article and GT / ToDo.

Organize notes effectively in Keep

Labeling your notes is just one way to organize your notes. You can color-code your notes or pin them to the top for faster access. You can even archive the notes to hide them from your view instead of deleting them. And the best part is, you can select multiple notes and organize them together. The next up: Do you love Google Keep? Find out how to use Google Keep productively from the following link.

How to use Labels in Google Keep: benefits


Final note

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