How to use Microsoft’s new Windows data recovery tool – Guide

Windows File Recovery is not pre-installed on your Windows 10 computer. You need to download it from the Microsoft Store and install it for later use. The following content includes how to download and install on your computer and how to Use this Microsoft file recovery tool to recover files from drives with different file system types. As mentioned above, Windows File Recovery only works on Windows 10 20H1 or later versions of Windows 10. If you are using an earlier version of Windows 10, you can upgrade your Windows to a supported version and use this tool or use an alternative to Windows File Recovery to recover lost files in Windows 10. Which mode should you use to recover files deleted on your Windows 10 computer? It depends on several elements. For example, which file system is used by the drive you want to recover data from, how long the file was deleted, and how the file was lost (the drive is formatted or damaged).

Steps to use Microsoft’s new Windows file recovery tool:

So, in this article, we are going to share a guide to recover deleted files using Windows recovery tool. So, let’s check it out.

Final note

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