How to use Outlook’s Templates add-in for quick Text Entry – Guide

When so much of your online communication consists of repetitive emails, it’s only natural for you to strive to streamline this part of your work. Replying with a template can be a great alternative to creating emails from scratch in a tedious, keystroke way. Email templates in Outlook are like document templates in Word or spreadsheet templates in Excel. If you often send the same or very similar messages to different people, you can save one of these messages as a template by clicking File > Save As > Outlook Template (*.oft). And then, instead of composing an email from scratch, you start with a template, customize as needed, and hit send. The web app also has email templates. Compared to .oft files in the desktop version, they don’t require many menu clicks to open. However, the options here aren’t that extensive – a template can include small images and basic formatting, but you can’t predefine email fields or attach files. Quick Parts are reusable pieces of content that can be quickly added to an email message, appointment, contact, meeting request, and task. In addition to text, they can also contain graphics, tables, and custom formatting. While .oft templates are meant to represent an entire message, quick parts tend to be smaller building blocks.

How to Open up “My Templates” in Outlook Desktop Shopper

Open a new e-mail in the Microsoft Outlook desktop software (or reply or anticipate a present information) and in the “Message” tab, click on “View Templates”.

How to Open up My Templates in Outlook Net App

Open a new email in the Microsoft Outlook World Wide Web application (or reply to or forward a current message), click the 3-dot menu icon at the bottom of the email and choose “My Templates” from the menu. The “My Templates” panel will open on the appropriate side of the email.

How to Use “My Templates” in Microsoft Outlook

From this location we will use the Outlook desktop client to display the performance of “My Templates”, but it is exactly the same in the World Wide Web application. “My Templates” will come with some ready-to-use pre-configured phrases that may be practical for you, but we’re going to insert our own. To do this, just click on “Template”. To use it, make sure your cursor is in the general body of an email and just click on the phrase to include it in the email. It’s definitely that simple. To edit or delete a template phrase, hover over it with the mouse or touch pad cursor to display the “Delete” and “Edit” options.

Final note

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