How to use Photographic Styles on iPhone 13 – Guide

All iPhone 13 models feature a new camera feature what Apple calls Photo Styles, and which – explained briefly – is like traditional photo filters, but better. Photo styles can be selected through the camera or it can be later applied to any photo (captured not just on the iPhone 13, but on any other device as well). They’re also customizable, so you’re not limited to just one look. But first, let’s demonstrate where you can find them: There are four photo styles that Apple offers: You should know that basically you have two different dials to adjust and as you do that you get some nuances and you can actually get to another preset just by adjusting your current one.

How are new photo styles different from regular filters?

Traditional photo filters apply a look to the entire photo, making it more or less contrasted, warmer or cooler, and so on. Photo styles, on the other hand, let you change the heat of a photo without affecting skin tones, for example. Photo styles also come with separate Tone and Heat controls that aren’t available in traditional photo filters.

What do the Tone and Heat controls of photographic styles do?

You have two controls for each photographic style: Tone and Heat. The changes will also be saved and can be reused later, so you can easily take all the photos in your own personal style.

Final note

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