How to Use Split Screen feature on your Mac – Guide

Multitasking fans, this is for you. If you work with multiple applications and windows at the same time, you may find it frustrating to constantly switch between them. Or maybe, depending on what you’re working on, you need to look at two windows at the same time. For example, if you’re copying information from a document to a spreadsheet, it might be helpful to see these two windows side by side. If you’re lucky enough to have room for a dual monitor, that’s an option. Otherwise, there might be a relatively straightforward way to fix this problem. Apple released its macOS Catalina operating system with split-screen view feature. This means you can fill the screen with two apps without having to resize and move windows. If you are using Catalina or a later version, you should be able to access this feature. See how.

How to use split screen mode on a Mac

Final note

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