How to Use Steam Remote Play Together – Guide

Suppose you are staying at home for the weekend. You’ve planned a fun couch co-op session with your friends, but the weather (or, I don’t know, a worldwide epidemic) keeps everyone in home. Disappointment. But what if we told you it doesn’t have to be that? You can play with your friends no matter where they are, thanks to Steam Remote Play Together (and a solid internet connection, we won’t lie). Steam Remote Play Together allows you to connect with friends and play local multiplayer games over the Internet. This feature lets you play on Windows, Linux, Mac OS X, iOS and Android. Steam Remote Play has two main uses: allowing internet multiplayer for games that only support local co-op, and joining a shared game from a single host machine that you don’t own.

How to use Steam Remote Play together

Remote Play Together

Invite friends via a URL

Remote use anywhere

Final note

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