How to use the Reliability Monitor Tool on a Windows 10 PC – Guide

What’s special about the tool is that events that are normally noticeable to users can be captured by the program and provided in the form of a graphical layout showing when a problem occurred and how long ago it occurred. The graph is terminated whenever the computer encounters a problem, such as: B. if the software does not work or a driver crashes unexpectedly. Reliability Monitor presents the data in the form of a line graph that provides an overview of system stability with detailed information about individual events that can affect the overall stability of the system. By combining reliability monitor logs with event logs and detailing them in problem reports, you can go further in determining the root cause of Windows problems. From the Control Panel, you can also click Performance Information and Tools and click Advanced Tools in the green left pane; You can open the reliability monitor. This new feature gives your computer a reliability rating of 10. This number decreases when the computer encounters a problem, such as a crash. B. if a software does not work or a driver crashes. This helps you identify what is causing your computer problems for a specific event. Also note the System Stability Index it calculates for your computer in the upper right corner.

How to Use Reliability Monitor Tool on Windows 10 PC

Final note

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