How to Use Windows 11 – Guide

Microsoft is getting close to releasing the final Windows version 11. The company is making all sorts of little tweaks designed to bring the OS to yours. final Format. The company updated its Tips application to bring it in line with the rest of Windows 11.

Windows 11’s improved Tips Application

With each release of Windows 11 Insider, Microsoft seems to bring a new app in line with the Windows 11 design. Tips app is the latest to receive treatment. However, it’s not just a visual overhaul, as Microsoft has added all sorts of new tips specific to Windows 11 that will help you discover how to get the most out of the operating system. O tips aren’t just in English, as Microsoft has also announced that you’ll find guidance in 36 languages ​​so people around the world can learn how to make the most of Windows 11 and all new features brings it to the table. Microsoft is launching the Tips app for the Dev channel for Windows Insiders. If you are on the Dev channel or would like to switch to it, you can update and check out the new and improved Tips app now.

Final note

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