How to View All Purchased Apps in Google Play Store – Guide

Keeping track of all our apps is next to impossible, especially when you switch devices or perform a factory reset. Google makes it pretty easy to reinstall all your apps on a new or reset device, but when you’re looking for a specific app that you might not remember the name of, things get a little tricky. Whether you want to find out how much you spent on the Google Play Store or just want to reinstall your purchased apps in a new ROM, there are plenty of reasons to look for a list of them. That’s why we’re going to show you how to See all your apps purchased from Google Play Store. It’s easy to lose track of all the stuff you’ve purchased from the Google Play Store over time. Maybe you liked an app in the past, but you’re not sure what app it was and you want to download it again. Or maybe you just want to recommend an app to a friend and now you can’t find it. Whatever the reason, Google makes it easy to see a list of your purchases. First, it’s important to note that (as always) there is more than one way to find the list you want.

How to View Google Play purchase history on an Android device

Seeing your Google Play purchase history on an Android device is quite simple. See how: Item descriptions and purchase dates can be found in the list. Costs are also shown on the right. Zero-balanced apps are apps that you tried for free, but abandoned before they could charge you. Clicking on ads button next to an app will take you to the Google Play page. You can launch or remove the program from this location.

How to View your Google Play purchase history on a PC

You can also use the web browser on your PC to access the Google Play Store. Here it is how to check your purchase history on a PC: In Order History, you’ll see your Google Play purchase history along with information you would normally see on your Android device. Visible information includes a list of past app purchases and app prices.

Final note

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