How to View Purchase History in Steam – Guide

Steam purchase history shows all payment transactions you have made on Steam. This includes games, apps, and subscriptions purchased from the Store, as well as items and maps purchased and sold from the Community Market. For each transaction, you can see the date, payment platform and total spend or income. You cannot sort or export the table; To do this, you need to manually copy and paste into a spreadsheet. The list also shows everything you purchased on Steam and then refunded, with a separate line for each transaction. The original purchase will be crossed out to indicate the refund. If you contact a game developer for assistance, you may be asked for Steam proof of purchase. In that case, you can retrieve it from your Steam purchase history. You can click on a purchase to see more information (like the transaction ID) and get help. You can also click on a Community Market transaction to access your Market History (where you can find the transaction manually as it won’t take you there directly).

How to View your Steam purchase history

Follow the instructions to view your Steam purchase history:

What You Can Find in Your Steam Purchase History

Thanks to changes in EU legislation, Steam’s purchase history now offers a very detailed index. You can easily browse transactions and see when, where and how you spent money on Steam or made money from it.

Use Steam purchase history as proof of purchase

Steam purchase history is not just a good overview of all your transactions on Steam. It can also be used as proof of purchase in case something goes wrong such as missing DLC, missing library, key issues, and more. You can also request a refund, ask a question, complain about overcharging, ask for a receipt, etc. This menu is quite useful, especially if and when something goes wrong.

Final note

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