How to watch Inspiration4 online – Guide

Good luck, SpaceX! The Inspiration4 team – made up of a tech billionaire, healthcare worker/cancer survivor, a doctor and a lucky person who earned his seat aboard the SpaceX Crew Dragon capsule atop a Falcon 9 rocket – is set to make history. “Space tourists” or non-astronauts will tentatively enter space on Wednesday, when the five-hour launch window begins at 8:02 pm EST. The weather forecast is 70% “ready” on the Kennedy Space Center launch pad. The mission, dubbed Inspiration4, is being paid for by Jared Isaacman, a 38-year-old high school dropout billionaire, who is promoting the flight as a major fundraising effort for St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital. The goal is to raise $200 million, and Isaacman has pledged the first $100 million. He will serve as mission commander. The rest of the crew includes Hayley Arceneaux, 29, who was treated for childhood cancer in St. Jude. She now works there as a medical assistant. She was chosen to represent the hospital on Inspiration4 and will serve as the mission’s physician. Sian Proctor, 51, a finalist who became a NASA astronaut in 2009, said the mission is a lifelong dream come true. By becoming the fourth black astronaut, she said she hopes to inspire a new generation of black women to think about “reaching for the stars” by serving as a mission pilot. Chris Sembroski, a 42-year-old data engineer from Everett, Washington, was chosen from among the people who donated to St. Jude. He said that being part of the mission was an inspiration to him and his family, and that he hopes it will inspire others. Inspiration4’s crew will circle Earth for three days, but will not go to the International Space Station. The long-awaited launch of SpaceX with the Inspiration4 team, also known as spacetourists, will be broadcast on Netflix, YouTube and Netflix will document the launch of its series, “Countdown: Inspiration4 Mission to Space.” (Some episodes are now available for streaming.) Here’s one guide about how to watch the launch of SpaceX for Inspiration4 on your phone, tablet, computer, social media platform or TV.

SpaceX will broadcast the launch of SpaceX, coverage of Inspiration4

Netflix will broadcast the SpaceX release live on Inspiration4

How to watch SpaceX launch on your computer

Final note

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