How to Watch Netflix Together with Friends and Family – Guide

How to watch Netflix with friends and family

Watching a movie or TV show with friends is more about getting together for the shared experience. That’s why we go to the movies to see a new movie or watch our favorite game at a sports bar. We cannot replicate the experience while hosting a remote observation party. Still, it’s better than watching a nostalgic movie alone in your room. We will discuss some apps, browser extensions and other methods to watch Netflix with friends at home. Some ways are unique to web browsers, while others allow you to join the party from your iPhone, Android device, and Windows and Mac computers.

Use browser extensions to watch Netflix together

Teleparty (Netflix party)

Teleparty, formerly known as Netflix Party, is available for Edge and Chrome browsers. All you need to do is install the extension on your browser and have an active Netflix subscription. Yes, the extension does not allow you to watch Netflix content without a Netflix account. You can share one with your friend or use yours too. In any case, playback is effortlessly synchronized. Here are the steps to create a Netflix Watch Party using the Teleparty extension.


Another great extension for watching Netflix together is Metastream. It is an open source extension available for Chrome and Firefox browsers. The procedure for using this extension is quite complicated. But do not worry; just follow our step-by-step instructions and you’ll be practically hanging out with your friends in no time.

Final note

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