Guide: How to Write an Email Directly From Fire­fox Address Bar

In the past, we’ve talked about bookmark names and keyword usage in browsers. If you’ve had the chance to try them out, you should have recognized their importance and possibly adopted the style to enhance your browsing experiences. You can do a lot more with keywords, and today we’re going to help you compose emails use them. This means that when you are in a hurry or when you need to immediately send emails to a specific contact, you don’t need to explicitly open your email service client. Instead, you can compose your messages directly from the address bar.

Compose emails from the address bar

The process has been worked out in detail for Firefox. You can also try this in other browsers and see the results. Before we start, you may want to know that we are going to bookmark and use this. Another important thing is to choose your default email client that will be used to compose such emails. Step 1: Open the Firefox browser and create a new bookmark. One way to do that is to right-click on the bookmarks toolbar and choose New Bookmark. You can also edit an existing one by up its properties. Step 2: Fill in the details for the bookmark you created. Below is what each field means: –

You may want to give the bookmark a name so that it can be easily recognized, among other things. At Location enter the URL as mailto: receiver mailaddress? body =% sIn our example, we have the recipient’s address like tips@ guidingtech.comThis means that emails for this keyword will be compiled for tips@ Give it a keyword that will be used as a gateway to compose emails. Tags and description are optional fields in this case.

Once you have done this, you are ready to compose emails from your address bar. Show us how to use it.

Use bookmark

To compose a message for the specified contact (here, tips@ click on the address bar and type the keyword that represents the created bookmark (here it is gt) followed by a space and then the body of your message.

As you start typing, the message will be created as part of the URL. And once you hit Enter, you will be taken to your default email client with the To and Body fields filled in up


You can create many such bookmarks and associate each of them with a unique keyword. That way you could quickly send an email to the contacts that are important and frequent to communicate with. Don’t forget to talk about your experience in the comments section.

How to Write an Email Directly From Fire­fox Address Bar: benefits


Final note

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