How VPN Split Tunneling Work – Guide

Split tunneling is a VPN feature which splits internet traffic and sends some of it through an encrypted VPN (Virtual Private Network) tunnel, but routes the rest through a separate tunnel on the open network. Typically, split tunneling lets you choose which applications to protect and which applications can connect normally. This is a useful feature if you want to keep some of your traffic private while maintaining access to your local network devices. That way, you can access external and local networks at the same time. It’s also a good solution if you want to save bandwidth. But is it really necessary to use split tunneling to achieve all this? Are there risks involved? And which VPNs support it? Read on to learn everything you need to know about using VPN split tunneling. Split tunneling is a smart VPN feature which gives you much more control over what data you encrypt and send through a VPN server and what data passes over the fastest, unencrypted open internet.

VPN split tunnel definition

VPN (Virtual Private Network) split tunnel allows you to route part of your app or device traffic through an encrypted VPN while other apps or devices have direct internet access. This is especially useful if you want to benefit from services that work best when your location is known, while still having secure access to potentially sensitive data and communications. However, with this option, you will have to consider the security risks (more on this later).

Virtual Private Network (VPN)

A VPN provides users with a secure tunnel through which all data transmitted to and from the device is encrypted. This allows them to have secure remote access and secure file sharing, as well as allowing them to hide their location if they so choose. However, with a VPN, you may experience slower network speeds and bandwidth issues because all data going through the VPN must be encrypted.

Choose which traffic is routed through the VPN

A split tunnel VPN connection allows users to send some of their internet traffic through an encrypted VPN connection and the rest to go through another tunnel over the open internet. The default setting for a VPN is to route 100% of internet traffic through the VPN. However, if you want to access local devices or get higher speeds when encrypting certain data, consider split tunneling.

Advantages of VPN Split Tunnel

VPN split tunneling may not be suitable for every business, but you have the option to enable it by setting up your VPN. Many companies with VPNs have bandwidth limitations, especially since the VPN must encrypt and send the data to a server in another location. This can lead to performance issues if split tunneling is not implemented.

Save bandwidth

When split tunneling is enabled, traffic that would have been encrypted by the VPN and is likely to be transmitted more slowly is sent through the other tunnel. Routing traffic through a public network can improve performance by eliminating the need for encryption.

Providing a secure connection for remote workers

Remote workers can benefit from a secure network connection over the VPN, which gives them encrypted access to confidential files and email. At the same time, they can access other Internet resources at higher speeds through their Internet Service Provider (ISP).

Working on a local area network (LAN).

When you connect to a VPN, encryption can block access to your LAN. With split tunneling, you can still access local resources like printers on your LAN while benefiting from VPN security.

Stream content without using other people’s IP addresses.

Stream content while traveling abroad and use web services that require a local Internet Protocol (IP) address. You can use VPN to connect to content on your home country and with split tunneling enabled, you can make the most of websites and search engines that work best when they know your location.

Final note

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