Guide: HTML Features You Have Never Heard Off

For a language so simple and easy to learnHTML certainly offers one unexpected amount useful featuresmany of us don’t even know about. It’s hard to keep up with time and you might think that all “you might not know” articles should be about the most recent tags, HTML has some too very helpful features that have been around for a while From checking spelling to adding keyboard shortcuts, I’ll show you in this article five lesser known HTML features

1. Check spelling as you type

The spell check attribute prompts browsers to check spelling while a user types an element. This attribute is global, which means, you can add it to any HTML tag However, it only works on elements that can take text inputHaving it global is useful because it can be inherited by childrenFor example, add it to a The value can be an empty string, true or false. The empty string and the true will turn on spell check

Type something here In the above code, both the If the user has spell check disabled the spelling is not checked in the browser settings, even if the spell check has been added

2. Be safe from compromised CDN sources

It is quite common to host resources, such as scripts and stylesheet files, through CDNs. But if it CDN is being compromised, that includes those hosted files, and if a retrieved resource on your website is compromised, so will your site! Read what Mozilla Developer Network says about the issue: To prevent this, Subresource Integrity (SRI) was initially introduced by W3C. This arrangement compares the hash value (the result of applying a hash function to an input) of a resource to validate it. Suppose there is a JavaScript file at You first apply a hash function to that file, then add the produced hash value to the integrity attribute of the Now when a web page from your site with the above code example.js, the browser needs to load first applies the hash function, and only loads and runs example.js if the hash value matches the integrity value If has been compromised and example.js was interrupted with then the hash value of example.js does not match the integrity value Most common CDNs already offer SRI integrity values, but you can also generate one here.

3. Overwrite form targets when submitting buttons

You are probably familiar with the target attribute, the one who decides where a hyperlink is opened, for example on the same page or in a new tab. You may also know that the same target attribute used in the These attributes can be used with submit buttons, and they overwrite their respective attributes in the

5. Add keyboard shortcuts

The accesskey global attribute was already defined in HTML4 and it creates a shortcut that allows the user to operate an element on the page. The shortcut key combination will depend on two things IMAGE: Mozilla Developer Network Take this example: button accesskey = ”v” onclick = ”alert (‘View Click’)”> View
In Firefox, if you use press the key combination Alt + Shift + V (or Alt + Control + V in macOS) you will get the message “View Clicked”. Because the predefined browser keys vary by browser and operating system, you are recommended let the users know what the main combinations are used for the shortcuts.

HTML Features You Have Never Heard Off: benefits


Final note

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