Guide: IMEI

vs IMSI Num­ber: What You Need to Know About Them

Most of us don’t pay attention to details like IMEI and IMSI numbers. If we have to, we don’t know what they are or even don’t how to find them. Do we need to know about it or how they even differ from each other? These are important questions about your privacy and security. We’re going to answer them in this post before it’s too late to find out. Many of us have heard of the IMEI number because it is very helpful in finding lost smartphones. But what about IMSI numbers and what is their role. Let’s find out.

1. What is the IMEI number

IMEI stands for International Mobile Identity of equipment. Each mobile phone (and new the mobile hotspot dongles) are assigned a unique IMEI number, which is printed on the inside, usually behind the battery. They are 15 digits long. The phone creators assign unique IMEI numbers to each phone, and these numbers remain unchanged once registered for the rest of their lives. So even if you travel to other countries, the telecom operators can provide the Home country of the phone’s sales and registration. The GSM (Global System for Mobile) Association uses IMEI numbers to store them in a global mobile database that is also central to all network operators, phone makers and other qualified industry parties. During a normal course, the number is useful for identifying things like your subscription usage (voice calls, internet) and also determining if there are any issues with the quality of the services. The IMEI number is just as important as the serial number on other products. So the IMEI numbers are used to authenticate one phone with registration via a SIM card. That means that a false or incorrect IMEI number can block the telephony services. IMEI numbers also only prove the authenticity of it phone and do not establish a direct relationship with the buyer. For example, you bought a new one phone to give as a present to your parents or husband. While you could (technically) be the buyer, it is the end user of it phone will be different. Kind of unrelated, I know, but I just wanted to make that clear. Telecom companies often use in exceptional circumstances, such as detecting locked or invalid phones on the network used for suspicious activity. In the case of CDMA phones, manufacturers use a different terminology called Mobile Equipment Identifier (MEID) or Electronic Serial Number (ESN). The IMEI number is the first thing that a telecom operator’s customer service asks for when you get your phone or it is stolen.

2. What is the IMSI number

IMSI stands for International Mobile Subscriber Identity. The telecom company assigns a unique number to the SIM card they issue to their subscribers. The IMSI numbers are 15 digits long (not always) and can be used to find the subscriber’s country and mobile network, among other SIM-related details. It’s up to the SIM card rather than the phone self.

It is worth noting that to protect subscriber privacy, telecom operators use a different number instead called TMSI (Temporary Mobile Subscriber Identity) while providing services to the SIM owner. The telecom company uses the TMSI to communicate with its subscriber. They are shorter and also much easier to ship.

3. How to Find IMEI and IMSI numbers

If your phone comes with a removable battery unit, you can find the IMEI number printed under the battery. You can also find it on the original box, but you threw it a long time ago, right? You can also put the * # 06 # code in your phone dialer app to pop-upup with your IMEI number. It is usually 15 digits long and programmed in the phone

Do you notice two IMEI numbers in the screenshot above? That’s because I’m using a dual SIM card phone, and each must be registered with the carrier. Usually only the last few digits are different in such cases. It helps the carrier identify and track them phones with IMSI numbers. Several smartphones have started to display the IMEI number in the About section under Settings. See if you phone also displays the IMEI number there.

As an end user, you do not need the IMSI number that is linked to the SIM card. Some mobile manufacturers state the IMSI number in Settings under About or About Phone section, but that’s rare. Note: Certain apps also claim to help find it, but we don’t recommend them. It is not worth it and there is a chance that the information will be used to track the user in question. Call your telecom operator if you need it.

4. When to use IMEI and IMSI numbers

Since IMEI numbers are unique and cannot be easily changed, they are especially useful in locating and recovering lost or stolen numbers phonesIt is used to it mobile as all IMEI numbers are stored in a global registry called Equipment Identification Register (EIR). Your telecom provider has the authority to change the phoneWhen a phone blacklisted on all networks, no SIM will ever work on it. That means the phone is virtually useless. I think wifi should still work. The hackers use aftermarket tools to make a quick profit by changing the IMEI number. This is called unblocking, which is a criminal offense in many countries. These hackers use tools to assign a new IMEI number (also called spoofing) to it phone so that it is unblocked and used again with another SIM card. You could suffer legal repercussions from forging it mobile IMEI number if caught up used for nefarious activities.

On the other hand, when you take your SIM card from one phone to another, the IMSI number transfers itself to the new one phone with the SIM card. The IMEI number will remain with the phone as it is bound to the phoneTelecom operators use the IMSI number to identify the customer and all services that he / she has signed up in front of. That includes your telephone, messaging, Internet and other services offered by the company.

5. Security concerns

It’s important to keep your IMEI and IMSI safe from prying eyes from nefarious apps and trackers. Hackers can use the IMEI number to track and locate your movements. They can even fake them to use financial apps after they steal your data. On a related note, if you have a phone without an IMEI number, it is an invalid or a counterfeit phoneYou shouldn’t buy that, no matter how attractive the price. How do you know if your IMEI number is valid? Well, you can match the one shown in the software interface with the one on the back and the packaging. Another way to check this is to use the LUHN formula.

Likewise, IMSI numbers can be used by hackers to track users, intercept calls, messages, and hijacks mobile data. That’s because the IMSI number is associated with the SIM card and used directly to provide relevant services to the subscriber. Hackers can create a spoofed access point to retrieve the data associated with the IMSI number before relaying the same to the nearest cell tower and back again. Many Hollywood movies show that trick from tracing calls and stuff. However, the actual use of such a technique is an extremely complicated process. But not impossible. Since the IMSI number is linked to the SIM card and used during communication with cell towers, it can also be used to track the user’s movements. In that case, the location of the cell towers is used to triangulate your position. That said, the IMEI and IMSI can be extracted by mobile apps to create a personally identifiable profile based on your usage pattern. For example, based on your browsing activities, different companies may show you specifically targeted advertisements. And you might be wondering, how did that company know you wanted to buy a new jacket? Well, it could be any app you’ve blindly allowed to access information on your phoneWhy else would you think that your phone sniffing at you? Well, that’s how you get “personalized targeted ads” from the personally identifiable profiles.

Do you think Phone’s identity

IMEI is linked to the phone and is used to display the phoneIMSI is linked to the SIM card and is used to identify the subscriber and the services assigned to him / her. IMSI is moving from phone to phone with the SIM, but IMEI stays with the handset. As an end user, you will find IMEI useful to block lost or stolen phones That’s the gist of it. It’s a good idea to store your IMEI number somewhere safe so you can quote it at the right time. If the IMEI number is visible in the Settings’ About section, just take a screenshot and save the image to the cloud. The next up: Have you lost your smartphone and you don’t know the IMEI number? Do not you worry. Click on the link below to learn how to find the IMEI number.


vs IMSI Num­ber: What You Need to Know About Them: benefits


Final note

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