Guide: Import Ques­tions to Google Forms: Guide

If you regularly create forms and quizzes on Google Forms, you should be aware of the pain of adding the same questions and answers repeatedly. That process is tedious and time consuming to perform the same series of repetitive tasks. Fortunately, there is a handy solution. Yes, with Google Forms you can now import questions from your old forms. There is more to this story. With Google Forms, not only can you import questions, but you can choose which ones to import and which ones to leave. Overall, it is a very useful one feature So if you’re looking for ways to make your Google Forms quiz and questionnaire creation process a little easier, find it here how to go for it. Let’s start.

How to Easily import questions into Google Forms

Step 1: Open a new form. After you’ve determined both the name and title and added preliminary questions, tap Import button from the menu.

All your old forms will now be displayed.

Choose the form you want to import from and all questions will appear in the right panel. Step 2: Then choose the question you want to add to your current form and click Import Questions buttonIf you want them all, check the box at the top of it trick

Click on the change form button if you want to change your form selection. Step 3: When you are done, repeat the same procedure if you need to add questions from another form. Google Forms remembers the previous form selections, and that’s smart. So if you happen to pick one, you’ll find it right under the Previously Selected tab. The disadvantage is that you cannot select more than one form at a time. But it is better than the old add and select method. Perhaps one of the best things I like about the new import feature is that the validations are also imported along with the questions.

That saves a lot of time.

How to Improve this method

While the option to select questions from multiple old forms is quite good, I have a slightly improved solution.

You may want to arrange them according to the theme so that you can choose them easily up later. When you are done, give it a name that is easy to identify. Save it and pin it so that when you need to edit it, you don’t have to hunt in the gallery. The next time you need to import questions into a new form, you’ll know what to do. The previously selected form tab is the icing on the cake.

How to Import questions from documents into Google Forms

Importing questions from previously created forms is not the only option available. If you have a Microsoft Word or Google Doc with questions lying around, you can use it to create a form. Of course, it won’t be as easy as drag and drop. However, it is better than the process of typing the questions and manually selecting the answers. To do this, you will need the help of an add-on appropriately named Doc to Form. For now, it’s free and the form creation process is simple too. Step 1: To do this, open a new document and go to Add-on button > Get add-ons.

Here you will be directed to the marketplace. Find and add the mentioned add-on. Step 2: Then click on the add-on button and select Doc to From> Create Form from Doc. Since this add-on is primarily designed for school teachers, you will see the option to add the teacher’s name and name on the form.

However, these are optional and you cannot check the boxes if you prefer. Step 3: Then select the text on the document you want to add and click the Use Selected Text option.

Then you have to select the type of question. Click on the one that best suits your need, and that’s it. A question arose there. You need to repeat that for all other questions on your list and click Create form button Please note that the created form has no validation. So you have to take care of that.

Convert Word files to Google Docs

If your question material is in the form of an MS Word document, it can also be converted. On your Google Drive homepage, click the Settings icon in the top right corner.

Then check the box for the option ‘Convert uploaded files to Google Docs editor format’.

After that, you can upload Word files without worrying about formatting issues.

Create great forms

That’s How to import questions from old forms into new ones. This method not only saves time, but also makes the job less monotonous. Don’t forget to select the correct section while importing, and you will be sorted. After all, you don’t want to waste time rearranging the questions, do you? The next up: Did you know it’s a simple process to create an RSVP form on Google Forms? Read the article below to find out how.

Import Ques­tions to Google Forms: Guide: benefits


Final note

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