Guide: Microsoft To-Do vs Google Keep: What is best for you

Life is weird and so are the apps these days. On the one hand, the termination of the popular Wunderlist app gave birth to Microsoft To-Do. And on the other hand, Google introduced one of Keep’s important functionalities (lists) as a separate to-do app known as Google Tasks. We have already compared Google Keep to Google Tasks. In this post, we decided to put Google Keep alongside Microsoft To-Do and see how the standalone tasks app weighs against the acclaimed note-taking app, Google Keep. Fasten your seat belts!

App size

Keep is a product of Google and is therefore pre-installed on some Android devices. If you want to download it from the Play Store, it weighs 13-14 MB. On the other hand, the size of the Microsoft To-Do app ranges between 9-10MB. However, on iOS, there is a significant difference when it comes to the size of the two apps. While the Microsoft To-Do app weighs 49-50MB, Google Keep jumps to 178-180MB. Download Microsoft To-Do on Android Download Google Keep on Android Download Microsoft To-Do on iOS Download Google Keep on iOS

Cross platform

Both apps are available on other platforms in addition to Android and iOS. While Microsoft To-Do can be accessed through the Windows app and the web version, Keep is limited to the web version only. However, Keep has a Chrome extension that is currently not available for Microsoft To-Do. Google Keep is now also accessible from Gmail.

User accounts

While a Google account is required for Keep, Microsoft To-Do is also limited to just the guardian Microsoft. You cannot use these apps with another account, which is a big bummer. Google Keep supports multiple Google accounts. You can easily switch between them at any time. However, the same does not apply to Microsoft. It only supports one account.

User environment

Google Keep is a powerful note-taking app that follows card-style layout. The home screen shows all notes and lists together in irregular sized cards. If you ask me, I find the design very messy.

On the other hand, Microsoft has a clean layout. Different list items are arranged in a list format like a real to-do app. The home screen of Microsoft To-Do app is the My Day screen. Here you can see all your tasks for the day.

Multiple lists and sorting

What’s a task app without multiple lists? And that’s why Microsoft To-Do is way ahead of Google Keep in terms of multiple lists. In Microsoft To-do, you can easily create multiple lists, add items and sub-items, move items between them, and do other important things.

While you can also create multiple lists with Google Keep, it’s not as friendly as Microsoft To-Do. And we don’t blame them because Keep is a note-taking app with the added functionality of lists. In their standalone Google Tasks app, you can use multiple lists just as seamlessly as in the Microsoft To-Do app. In Microsoft To-Do, you can easily sort individual task items by dragging them. This is not available in Google Keep. You can sort only the entire lists and not individual items.

Tasks and subtasks

Here’s what the Task screen looks like in each of the apps.

As you can see, the tasks in Microsoft To-Do are clearly visible. There are no extra things to distract you. Tap the floating plus button at the bottom you can create a task. You can also add subtasks and notes to a task item. You can also set reminders for individual to-do items.

Unfortunately, Google Keep does not support a hierarchy for lists. You cannot create subtasks in Keep. Google Keep also doesn’t support comments for individual to-do items. To add a new list item, tap the + List item label. And to get there, you have to find the list first. Good luck with it, unless you’ve pinned your list.

Reminders and recurring tasks

Both apps allow you to set an expiration date and create reminders. However, there is a significant difference in the way you can play with each app. In Microsoft To-Do, you can set time-based reminders for individual items. On the other hand, Google Keep allows you to set reminders for the entire list and not individual items.

In addition to time-based reminders, Keep allows you to create location-based reminders. Plus, Keep also lets you create recurring reminders, an important one feature missing from Microsoft To-Do.

Color code

Both apps allow you to color-code your lists. While in Microsoft To-Do you only have a few colors to choose from, in Google Keep you get a ton of colors. And since in Google Keep all lists and notes are available on the home screen, color coding also helps in organization.

While both apps support search, Google Keep is ahead of Microsoft To-Do. In addition to normal keyword search, you can also search by colors, things, and labels. However, when it comes to speed, both are equally fast.


As with search, Google Keep also completely nails the sharing feature. It offers three types of sharing: send a copy, a copy to Google Docs and, most importantly, real-time sharing with others. In the latter, all members can collaborate and add / edit new items in the lists together. Microsoft To-Do only supports sending a copy of the list by default.

The good?

While Microsoft To-Do is purely a task management app, Google Keep is a note-taking app that some users have also used as a task app. However, it lacks some useful ones features such as subtasks, reminders for individual list items and a better user interface. I’ll stick with my beloved Microsoft To-Do for now. And you?

Microsoft To-Do vs Google Keep: What is best for you: benefits

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Final note

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