Guide: Most Common Mistakes to avoid in Guest Blogging

For many small businesses and aspiring web entrepreneurs, it often proves to be a challenge at first to generate regular web traffic, establish credibility, and acquire customers. One way that I’ve found is effective in speeding things up up is guest blogging on other more established websites Sounds simple, doesn’t it? It is not. There are 3 common mistakes that often waste all the hard work you put into your guest blogging efforts. Here’s how you don’t fall victim to it.

1. Not having a clear goal

The phenomenon of aimless guest blogging has been especially evident since the inception of Google algorithms increasingly quality-oriented. Don’t jump on the guest blogging bandwagon just because you see everyone doing it. In order for any marketing effort to succeed in the long term, you must first have a clear goal in mind Suppose you want to introduce your products or services in a certain market segment. You then need to draw your attention to some of the best blogs in the industry that most of your potential customers are likely to visit. This would help build a credible image for your brand and generate qualified traffic. The same goes for customer acquisition. Submit guest posts to some reputable blogs that your potential customers are likely to visit. Now, if it’s your goal get backlinks, your selection of target blogs will of course change. I am a freelance writer myself and I made the mistake of regularly guest blogging on freelancers to write blogs in hopes of getting clients. I did get traffic and backlinks from those guest posts, but not from customers The reason? My potential clients are small businesses, tech startups and web design companies, and none of them visit freelancers who write blogsIn short, you need to develop a strategic focus and be clear about your objectives or else your guest blogging won’t get you much.

2. Pitching low quality and spun content

There’s probably nothing more damaging to your brand image than pitching low-quality content – it’s a real brand killer! You should spend as much time creating guest posts, if not more, as you do for your own blog a bad guest post can do even more damage to your brand image than a low-quality post on your own blog. Unfortunately, more and more are coming guest bloggers pitch used or spun content in their writingFirstly, spun content is not that difficult to detect these days, and secondly, even if it is not identified, it is still usually looks bad enough to be rejected. In my opinion, this tendency stems from the belief that you have to write a lot of guest posts to get significant results – this is just plain wrong. Ask any content marketing expert and he will probably tell you to focus on the 80/20 rule i.e. 80% of your results should come from 20% of your most focused efforts. Indeed, a high quality guest post on a credible blog is much better than 10 low quality guest posts on lower quality blogs. With credible blogs, I am in no way suggesting that you should target only the best blogs. Look for mid-range blogs in your target audience with loyal readers and active social media followersUnlike the top blogs, these blogs wouldn’t ask you for epic guest posts, but of course they wouldn’t accept substandard work either.

3. Waste of exposure

The moment your guest post goes live, you will receive referral traffic to your website from the links in your author biography. However, don’t make the usual beginner’s mistake to let your guard down at this stage. You must have one clear plan to take advantage of traffic and exposure you will receive from your guest post. A great way to do that is to send traffic to one specific landing page where you can get the visitors to take action. For example, if your goal is to get subscribers to your new eBook, then all your referral traffic should be directed to your eBook subscription page. Likewise, if your goal is to acquire customers, then traffic should be directed to a dedicated sales landing page or your own service page. In any case, keep that in mind publishing your guest post is not the end of your guest blogging cycle – it’s just the first step.


As Google puts more emphasis on high-quality content with each update of the search algorithm, guest blogging will undoubtedly become more prominent in the near future. But to take full advantage of this highly effective marketing channel, you should focus on the big picture rather than just looking for short-term benefits Be clear about your goal (s) and avoid the mistakes we looked at in this post, and you’ll greatly increase your chances of success.

Most Common Mistakes to avoid in Guest Blogging: benefits


Final note

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